Compiler API
The new Java Compiler API allows invoking a compiler, gives access to diagnostics, and control over how files are read through a file manager. The file manager allows applications such as IDEs and JSP servers to keep all files in memory, which significantly speeds up compilation. Sun's open source Java EE implementation, GlassFish claims to have already benefited from this API.
//get the java compiler reference
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
//compile the Java class
int compilationResult =
null,null,null, "C:\\");
The code snippet shows how to compile a Java file using the Compiler API.
Web Service
The new web services stack provides support for writing XML web service applications. The java classes can be exposed as a .NET interoperable web service with a simple annotation. Java SE 6 adds new parsing and XML to Java object-mapping APIs, previously only available in Java EE platform implementations or the Java Web Services Pack.
To create a web service on Mustang create a java class, annotate it as shown below.
@SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC)
public class Hello {
public String echo() {
return "Hello THBS";
To deploy the web service we just need to write the main method.
public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
Hello server = new Hello();
Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:9090/Hello", server);
The deployment can be verified by displaying the wsdl file on the browser
http://localhost:9090/Hello?wsdl. This feature is intended to be used for testing only.
Scripting for the Java Platform
Java SE 6 provides support for scripting, which enables the developers to integrate Java technology and scripting languages by defining a standard framework and interface to do the following:
• Access and control Java based objects from a scripting environment
• Create web content with scripting languages
• Embed scripting environments within Java technology-based applications
The Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), does not mandate any particular script engine, but it does include the Mozilla Rhino engine for the JavaScript programming language.
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine jsEngine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
jsEngine.eval("function helloWorld(){"
+ " println('Hello, world!'); "
+ " return 's';" + "}");
Invocable invocableEngine = (Invocable) jsEngine;
invocableEngine.invokeFunction("helloWorld", (Object[]) null);
The example shows how to invoke a JavaScript function using java.
See: Carpe diem: Mustang released
The Java SE 6 development kit co-bundles the all-Java JDBC database, Java DB based on Apache Derby. Out of the box developers have a database that can be used that implements the latest version of JDBC and is embeddable within desktop Java applications. Java DB has a small memory footprint and is fully transactional.
Also provided is JDBC 4.0, a well-used API with many important improvements, such as special support for XML as an SQL datatype and better integration of Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) and Character Large OBjects (CLOBs) into the APIs.
Desktop Development
Desktop application development just became simpler with Java 6. It provides better platform look-and-feel in Swing technology, LCD text rendering, and snappier GUI performance overall. Java applications can integrate better with the native platform with things like new access to the platform's System Tray and Start menu. At long last, Java SE 6 unifies the Java Plug-in technology and Java WebStart engines, just makes sense. Installation of the Java WebStart application got a much needed makeover.
A new class added to the Java platform is java.awt.Desktop. It allows Java applications to launch associated applications registered on the native desktop to handle a or a file.
Desktop d = Desktop.getDesktop();
//opens the application associated with the txt file in your OS
d.browse(new URI("c:/text_file.txt"));
Similar enhancements have been made to make the development of a java desktop application simpler.
Class file structure update:
The class file structure in Java SE 6 has been modified to provide a much faster and simpler class verification process. The idea is to split the old verification process into two phases: type inferencing (compile time) and type checking (runtime). The new verifier (called the type-checking verifier) no longer needs to infer types because it uses type information embedded in the Java class file to check byte code type consistency. Removing the type inferencing process from the verifier significantly reduces the complexity of verifier code and improves verification performance. This provides performance improvements in byte code verification and thus class loading and start up time.